Serving with Honor: Rescuing America’s Military Dogs
By Maxim Fisher Co-Founder for War Dog Guardians I recently buried my dog. I held him in my arms and pressed my nose against his face as he took his last breath. Before he passed, I whispered into his ear, “I love you. You better protect me from the other side. Nothing changes. When it […]
Wonder & Grow: Mindful Nature Experience Celebrates Fifth Anniversary
By Caleb Knight “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” – Gary Snyder Americans spend an alarmingly large portion of every day indoors, often staring at a screen. Research suggests that the average adult spends approximately seven hours each day looking at a mobile device, computer or television. Unfortunately, this means many […]
The Key to Meeting Hiring Needs: Micro-Credentials
By Dr. Kiko Suarez Huntington Junior College If you own or manage a business today you probably struggle to find enough qualified employees to fill open positions. You’re in good company: employers today of all sizes and in nearly every industry across the country are facing unprecedented hiring challenges. The latest data from the U.S. […]
Annual Viennese Winter Ball Set for 2024 in Wheeling
By Cynthia Morris The Viennese Winter Ball will take place in Wheeling, WV, early next year. The ball events are historically held over a two-weekend period and involve community members as volunteers and patrons. With volunteers and sponsors being the heart of the ball, it is the cotillion that is the soul of it. The […]
High School Students Become Historians in West Virginia National Cemeteries Project
By Kyle Warmack This fall, students at two high schools in West Virginia will embark on the third annual cycle of a unique and powerful journey: diving deep into the lives of ordinary Mountain State veterans interred at the national cemeteries in Grafton, WV. For many of the young participants, it will be their first […]
Workplace Wellness in West Virginia
It is said that the sun doesn’t always shine in West Virginia, but the people do. Those in the Mountain State are some of the hardest working, community-oriented, giving people in the country. As a shining leader in manufacturing, made-in-America exports and energy production, it is easy to see how determined our workers are. But what happens when our workforce cannot function due to decreased physical and mental wellbeing?