Natural Resources, Industrial Advantage

Concerned by the amount of greenhouse gases produced by coal-fired power plants, the power industry has been calling for alternative sources of energy for decades. This transition led industry leaders to focus on natural gas, a more sustainable and cost-effective power source that releases less than half the amount of carbon dioxide than coal, as part of its comprehensive energy strategy.

In the Chef’s Corner: The Wonder Bar Steakhouse

The Wonder Bar Steakhouse has been a Clarksburg, WV, staple for more than 70 years. The restaurant’s rich history in the community began on February 14, 1946, when John and Betty Folio first opened its doors. The establishment remained in their family for many years as new generations continued in the tradition of creating a unique dining experience that became widely loved throughout West Virginia. In 2012, Daniel Watts, Manny Alvarez and David Alvarez decided to purchase The Wonder Bar Steakhouse to keep that unique experience alive.