West Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association Offering $5,000 Scholarships to WV College Students Studying Landscape and Horticulture


The West Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association (WVNLA) Marcus W. Rennix Memorial Scholarship program is accepting applications for Mountain State students studying horticulture, landscape architecture and nursery and greenhouse management. The deadline for applications to be submitted is September 30, 2024.

Julie Robinson, WVNLA executive director, says students must be in-state residents who have completed half the required courses in ornamental horticulture or landscape architecture and maintained at least a 2.5 grade point average.

“Attracting and training West Virginians, regardless of where they study, to carry on our green industry profession is a priority for the nursery and landscape industry that is thriving throughout the Mountain State,” Robert “Bobby” Gompers, president of the WVNLA board and owner of Highland Landscaping in Buckhannon, says. “Our board and membership are focused on recruiting, retaining and promoting the best talent, and this scholarship is a tangible commitment to achieving that goal.”

Robinson encourages eligible students who meet the criteria to apply for the WVNLA educational funds. Information can be found at WVNLA’s website: https://wvnla.org/scholarships/. Winners will be presented at the association’s Winter Symposium in Charleston on February 11, 2025.

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