The Future of Power Generation: A Q&A with Charles Patton

By Kensie Hamilton A tide is constantly changing, and the same is true for the energy industry in West Virginia. As new regulations in the coal and natural gas sectors continue to evolve, power generation must also make changes to keep pace. As each of us relies on the power that is provided to our […]
Driving Economic Growth: Natural Gas Vehicles

By Randy Coleman The United States spent almost $451 billion in 2011 on foreign oil—$1,468.27 for every American man, woman and child. Almost all of that foreign oil is consumed through vehicles on highways. Natural gas vehicles have been around for decades both here and abroad. More than 100,000 exist in the U.S., with millions […]
Reaching a Long-Term Balance: Energy and Manufacturing

By Joseph Eddy West Virginia has a rich history in the production of energy resources such as coal, oil, gas and, more recently, hydro-electric and wind turbine energy. For more than 150 years these resources have helped fuel our state and nation’s electric power generation and chemical, steel, aluminum, polymer, wood, automotive and glass manufacturing […]
A Look at Legislation

By Kensie Hamilton A battle has been brewing in West Virginia for years over the regulations and litigation that surround the energy sector. This battle is an important aspect of life in the Mountain State and affects the level of success to which our state can rise. The battle is being fought year-round but increases in […]
A New Lease for Economic Development: Post Mine Land Use

By Daryle Bayless The history of West Virginia is built on coal. It is the foundation of our economy as well as much of our way of life. When people picture coal mining, the deep dark recesses of the Earth come to mind, but that is only a part of the story. Surface mines allow […]