TED Schroeder Takes the Helm of Littler’s Pittsburgh and Morgantown Offices

Littler, the world’s largest employment and labor law practice representing management, has designated Theodore (Ted) A. Schroeder as office managing shareholder of the Pittsburgh and Morgantown, West Virginia, offices, effective January 1, 2017. He succeeds John M. Cerilli, who held the position for 10 years and will maintain his active labor practice and firm leadership…

Higher Ed Report Card Shows State Colleges Retaining, Graduating More Students

West Virginia’s state colleges and universities are retaining more students and have generated record numbers of graduates in recent years, thanks to statewide efforts to improve student success. However, continued positive results could be hindered by budget challenges and increased tuition costs, state higher education officials told members of Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability…

The Foundation for the Thomas Health System Announces New Board Members and Officers

The Foundation for the Thomas Health System, providing support for Thomas Memorial and Saint Francis hospitals, welcomes the following new Board Members and Officers for 2017. Newly appointed members include Kay Summers of Clendenin, Tim Wilcox of Charleston, John Brown, Jr., of Charleston and Eddie Bucklen of South Charleston. The new members are joined by…