Smith, McComas Assume Interim Roles at Marshall University

Dr. Gayle Ormiston, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Marshall University, today announced that two university administrators have assumed new roles. Dr. Sherri Smith, executive director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, has accepted an interim appointment as associate vice president for academic affairs and dean of undergraduate studies.  Smith’s appointment…

More than 800 Small Business Startups Compete for 50 Cash Prizes in SBA’s Growth Accelerator Competition

The U.S. Small Business Administration has received more than 800 applications from accelerators and incubators hoping to win one of 50 cash prizes of $50,000 each in the SBA’s first Growth Accelerator Fund competition.  August 2 was the deadline to submit an application. Accelerators and entrepreneurial ecosystem models representing industries that include technology, health services,…

Marshall Psychology Faculty, Students Present Session at Comic-Con

Two faculty members from Marshall University’s psychology department, along with two doctoral students, presented a session at the  45th Comic-Con International Convention in San Diego. Comic-Con is an educational corporation that creates awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular art forms. Dr. April Fugett and Dr. Keith Beard, as well as doctoral students…