Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Hosts 26th Annual Research Day

Dozens of research projects and a keynote presentation by an internationally known ophthalmologist highlight the 26th annual Research Day at the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine. The two-day research event begins at 5:30 p.m. Monday, March 24, with a community seminar on senior eye health, co-sponsored by Cabell Huntington Hospital (CHH) and its…

Rosie the Riveters to be filmed by L.A. Filmmaker Monday morning, 10:00 a.m. till noon, March 24, at Labelle Theatre

Thanks! Plain and Simple (“Thanks!”), a West Virginia nonprofit organization that founded the WV Rosie the Riveter Program will host a film maker, Ashely Maria, Director, and Lea-Ann Berst, Producer, who are creating the documentary film called, “Pioneers in Skirts.”  Filming will be at the Labelle Theatre in So. Charleston Monday, March 24.   Filming will…