Marshall University Selected to Help Implement Energy and Power Curriculum for High School Students

Marshall University has been selected by the Southern Regional Education Board to help implement an energy and power program of study for high school students in West Virginia and other states. As part of SREB’s Advanced Career program, faculty members from Marshall’s College of Information Technology and Engineering are working with the West Virginia Department…

Canonsburg-based Taggart Global Set for Continued Growth After US$43 million acquisition by Australia’s Forge Group

Canonsburg-headquartered engineering and asset management company Taggart Global (Taggart) today announced that it is poised for continued domestic and international growth after being acquired by Australian publicly listed engineering, construction and maintenance company Forge Group Limited (Forge Group) for $US43 million plus a further US$25 million of potential earn-out payments. Taggart Global, a world leader…

WVU Construction Projects Pump $1 billion, 7,200 Jobs into Regional Economy

Recent and ongoing construction projects by West Virginia University and WVUHealthcare will have an economic impact of more than $1 billion, with nearly $700 million benefiting Monongalia County and surrounding areas, a study by the University’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research concludes. The review of 20 construction projects beginning in June 2011 with completion…

Holiday Inn Express Charleston Civic Center Hires New Director of Sales

Shaner has hired Julie Caldwell as Director of Sales for the Holiday Inn Express Charleston Civic Center in Charleston, West Virginia. “Julie brings over twenty years of diverse sales and marketing experience,” says Rusty Eaton, Regional Director of Operations at Shaner. “Her career experience includes Deputy Press Secretary for the Office of the Governor in Charleston,…

WVU Business College Named in top North American Sales Schools List for Second Straight Year

The majority of business professionals believe that being skilled in sales is a crucial part of everyday life. Don’t think so? Try going a day without selling a product, idea, viewpoint or philosophy to someone. That makes the achievement by the Professional Sales Institute at West Virginia University’s College of Business and Economics (B&E) even…