West Virginia State University Establishes Endowed Scholarship for Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Students
The West Virginia State University (WVSU) College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the WVSU Foundation have announced the establishment of a new endowed scholarship for students studying chemistry or chemical engineering at the University. The Dr. George E. Keller II Memorial Scholarship has received gifts of more than $30,000 to endow the scholarship; $25,000 […]
Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College to Host Solar on the Farm
Learn more about solar power when Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College hosts Solar on the Farm on Saturday, December 7 at 2 p.m. Held at Eastern’s Moorefield campus, 316 Eastern Dr., and co-hosted by Vandalia Energy Services, Mountain View Solar and the US Department of Agriculture Rural Energy for America Program, Solar on […]
Hampshire County Leads State in New Business Growth for October 2019
Hampshire County led West Virginia in new business growth percentage for October 2019. A total of 13 new businesses registered to operate in the County during the month, according to West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner. The number of business entities in Hampshire County grew from 719 to 732, which equates to a 1.81 […]
West Virginia 1 of 3 States to Require Childhood Vaccinations
While some states allow for exemptions, West Virginia remains one of three to require child immunizations regardless of religious or personal objections. Currently, any child entering a public school or state-regulated child care center must receive immunizations for chickenpox, hepatitis-b, measles, meningitis, mumps, diphtheria, polio, rubella, tetanus and whooping cough. Vaccines save lives. According to Dr. […]
Hot Rod Movie Wins Regional Emmy Award
Hot Rod: The Clown Prince of Basketball won the Nostalgia category during the 55th Annual Ohio Valley Regional Emmy Awards on August 10, 2019 in Louisville, KY, presented by The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Ohio Valley Chapter. Hot Rod is a documentary chronicling the flamboyant life of basketball great and West Virginia […]
Business Driven: Workforce Development in the Mid-Ohio Valley
The Mid-Ohio Valley (MOV) Workforce Development Employer Solutions Program (WDB-EST) is a team developed to work specifically with employers throughout the MOV Workforce Region of Workforce West Virginia. The WDB-EST serves employers and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, or WIOA, participants within their nine-county area in West Virginia covering Calhoun, Clay, Jackson, Mason, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Wirt and Wood counties.