WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center and the WVU Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center Eastern Division will sponsor a community mini-medical school program on dementia.
The seminar titled Is My Brain Aging Normally will be held on March 20 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of the WVU Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center on the Berkeley Medical Center campus.
Guest speakers Hasib Sana, M.D. and Constance Beckom, M.D. will discuss the signs of dementia and current treatments that are available. Both physicians serve as assistant professors for the WVU School of Medicine and practice at Family Medicine – Ranson, Geriatrics & Successful Aging.
Registration for the mini-medical school program and the Eastern Pylons History of Medicine lecture begins at 6:15 p.m. This month’s pylon lecture, History of Aristotle – Embryologist, will begin at 6:30 p.m. featuring James Brown, M.D., assistant dean, WVU Health Sciences Center Eastern Division. The mini-medical school program will follow at 7 p.m.
The mini-medical school program is being offered free to the public as a community service of WVU Medicine and the WVU Health Sciences Center Eastern Division. The pylon lecture series has been made possible in part by a grant from the West Virginia Humanities Council.