By Amanda Larch

It’s a drive to serve, not just simple ambition, that separates a good lawyer from a great one. From childhood dreams of helping others to sitting in a classroom learning the basics of law to realizing their calling in the legal world, great lawyers all have humble beginnings.
Since 2017, West Virginia Executive (WVE) magazine, in partnership with the West Virginia University (WVU) College of Law, has been working to shine a light on impressive lawyers who strive to do the best for their clients, their communities and their fellow people with the Lawyers & Leaders Awards. This honors program recognizes lawyers who are either practicing in West Virginia or who graduated from the WVU College of Law.
“The West Virginia University College of Law is proud to join West Virginia
Executive magazine in recognizing this year’s class of Lawyers & Leaders,” says Interim Dean John Taylor. “The honorees showcase the legal profession at its best. Their service and leadership have made this state a better place, and we are grateful for what they have done and what they will continue to do in the years ahead.”
Whether these honorees earned their degrees from WVU or one of countless other accredited law schools across the country, one thing is for sure: their education brought them to where they are today. And while where they are today varies based on location, profession and area of expertise, it does not dispute the fact that they have each accomplished great things.
The Lawyers & Leaders Class of 2020 is a diverse group of individuals with backgrounds ranging from civil rights law and judiciary work to legal aid and military service. Lawyers rarely fit into just one category, and these 16 exceptional people are proof of that. This year’s recipients serve as an inspiration to everyone, not just fellow law practitioners or law students. As readers will soon discover, the world of law is full of possibility, and those within it shine bright. WVE is proud to introduce the Lawyers & Leaders Class of 2020.
If you know a lawyer who is making an impact in their career and community and either practices in West Virginia or is a graduate of the WVU College of Law, nominate them for next year’s class. Nominations are accepted year-round and can be submitted at
Meet the 2020 class of Lawyers & Leaders.