Do you feel passionately about the current state of West Virginia and want to help address its challenges? WVE is offering the opportunity to do just that in the upcoming Spring/May 2016 issue. There are two categories in which you can participate, so tell us what you think.
Energy & Manufacturing
It’s no secret West Virginia has had its fair share of struggles with coal and the rapid growth of the natural gas industry. Now, we’re on the cusp of revival, and our next steps must be carefully planned. What challenges do you see facing our energy and manufacturing industries? This is your chance to share your observations and concerns about the energy and manufacturing industries through a safe, anonymous outlet that will allow contributors to be brutally honest.
To submit an entry for consideration for the Energy & Manufacturing section, send the following to by April 1:
- First and Last Name – include your request to remain anonymous
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Challenge (up to three, 30 words or less each)
- A solution for each challenge (100 words or less)
State of the State
On the heels of the 2016 legislative session, a lot of West Virginians have a lot of opinions right now about what’s happening—and not happening—in the Mountain State. Here’s your chance to share what you see as the most important challenges and offer suggestions on how to address them.
To submit and entry for the State of the State section, send the following to by April 1:
- First and Last Name – this category is not anonymous
- Phone Number
- Email address
- Challenge (up to three, 30 words or less each)
- A solution for each challenge (100 words or less)