Mountwest Community & Technical College Enhances Student Support with New Grant Initiatives


Mountwest Community & Technical College has received three grants to enhance student support services at the college. The grants are the Counseling and Crisis Systems Grant, the Campus Mental Health Grant and the First-Generation Grant.

The Counseling and Crisis Systems Grant supports student mental health by providing campuses with 24/7 crisis and virtual counseling support. The support is a one-year pilot program, with system wide evaluation for continuance. The 24/7 crisis and virtual counseling support is intended to ensure mental health support can be provided at any time, ensuring prompt and adequate resources for responding to mental health needs.

Additionally, Mountwest was awarded the Campus Mental Health Grant. This project is funded by The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission’s Behavioral Health Programs, an initiative of the Division of Health Sciences. Grant funds under this Campus Mental Health Grants Program opportunity must be directed at improving student mental health, wellness and safety through implementing one or more strategies with proven effectiveness for impacting student mental health in higher education populations. Mountwest will be implementing skill-training interventions, routine mental health screenings and suicide prevention training through this funding opportunity. The goal is to ensure Mountwest has adequate preventative measures in place to provide early support for student mental health. These initiatives will enhance Mountwest’s already existing counseling services.

The First-Generation Grant will support first generation events and activities this year at Mountwest. In alignment with Mountwest’s strategic plan, the activities aim to increase engagement and foster a sense of belonging. The activities include luncheons, a First-Generation Celebration Week and specialized graduation cords and certificates for first-generation graduates.

We are excited to expand our current on-campus resources and initiatives in support of our students. We want every student to feel comfortable, confident and supported during their time at Mountwest. These funding opportunities will enhance already existing programs, ensuring students have the resources needed to be successful throughout their academic journey,” says James McDougle, vice president of student services.

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