Officers, New Members Named To WVU Hospitals-East Board

WVU Hospitals-East Board of Directors left to right: (seated) Fred Butcher, Ph.D.; Robert F. Baronner, Jr., chairman; Suzanne Shipley, Ph.D., vice chairman; Betty Gunnoe, secretary; D. Scott Roach, treasurer; and Richard Knapp, Ph.D.; (standing) Keith B. Berkeley, DVM; Konrad C. Nau, MD; Terry Hess; David DeJarnett; Nicholas Trietsch; Jackee Long and David A. Baltierra, MD. Board Directors Rhonda Monroe and John A. Draper, Jr., MD, are not pictured.

The Board of Directors of West Virginia University Hospitals-East, which includes City Hospital in Martinsburg and Jefferson Memorial Hospital in Ranson, recently elected officers for 2013 and announced the appointment of two new members.

Officers elected for a one-year term include Robert F. Baronner, Jr., chairman; Suzanne Shipley, Ph.D., vice chairman; Betty Gunnoe, secretary; and D. Scott Roach, treasurer.

David DeJarnett, a partner with the law firm Bowles Rice McDavid Graff & Love, and Terry Hess, owner of JayDee’s Family Fun Center in Inwood, were appointed to a three-year term on the board effective January 1.

The 15-member WVUH-East board includes representatives from Berkeley and Jefferson Counties as well as individuals from WVU’s Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center in Morgantown.

WVUH-East is a regional not-for-profit health care system serving West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle. Its parent organization is WVU Hospitals in Morgantown, a member of West Virginia United Health System.