September 26 is Giving Day at Concord University


Concord University is calling on all alumni and friends to join in the 2024 Day of Giving to meet its goal of bringing together 600 donors. This special fundraising campaign will begin Thursday, September 26 and conclude Friday, September 27 at noon.

Contributions made during Day of Giving will benefit The Concord Fund which supports scholarships, campus improvements and other university related projects. The Concord Fund is one of the most important funds for Concord.

“As we approach Giving Day, I am deeply moved by the unwavering generosity that our Mountain Lion community—alumni, faculty, staff and friends—consistently shows to Concord University,” says Savannah Cooper, manager of annual giving. “This year, our goal of uniting 600 donors reflects not just a number, but the strength and dedication of a community that believes in the transformative power of education.”

Day of Giving donations on September 26 and 27 can be made online at or by mail at CU Foundation, PO Box 1405, Athens, WV 24712.

Financial pledges and matching gifts are currently being accepted for the 2024 Day of Giving and can be made by contacting the CU Foundation at or by calling 304-384-4728.

For additional information about Concord University’s Day of Giving please contact Savannah Cooper at or 304-384-4728.

For media inquiries contact Nicole Smith, Public Relations Manager, at or 304-384-6312.

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