The West Virginia Small Business Development Center and the West Virginia Women’s Business Center will be holding a Veterans Resource Expo on Thursday, Sept. 20 from 12 to 4 p.m. at the New River Community & Technical College Advanced Technology Center in Ghent, W.Va. The Expo is free and open to veterans and those interested in learning more about veteran and business resources.
“We are honored by the service of our veterans and we want to show them support by gathering a variety of resources in one place for easy access, a one-stop shop for veterans,” said Tennis Parrish from the SBDC. “Anyone attending can sit down and meet one-on-one with any resource during the Expo. Also offered is information on the availability of educational and training programs in the area.”
The Expo will offer information to veterans and the general public on the availability of resources to start a business, services and resources for existing business owners, training and job opportunities, veteran resources and more. It will provide an opportunity to network with veteran and business resource contacts and agencies and learn about the availability of resources in the area.
Scheduled to participate are representatives from the Vet Upward Bound program, VA Medical Center, WV Department of Veterans Assistance, the Mobile Vet Center, WV SBDC, WV Division of Rehabilitation Services, and WV WBC. Additional business resources also attending include veteran services and agencies, employers, business development and training agencies, college representatives, lending and insurance contacts, and representatives from state and federal agencies.
Individuals interested in starting a business, acquiring skills and education or to further career goals and job opportunities are urged to attend.
To register or for more information call 800-766-4556, 304-253-3145 or email