Why Did the Camel Cross the Road?: The Musings of an Expat from West Virginia
By J. Fernando Cevallos-Candau As a staff scientist with SABIC, a large petrochemical company based in Saudi Arabia, I live in a compound for western expatriates in the outskirts of Riyadh. At first, the compound appears to be located in Sing-Sing. It is surrounded by tall concrete walls with barbed wire on top; there are […]
First Responders and Alzheimer’s Disease
By Alan Fleming  People with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias pose a unique challenge to first responders. An emergency situation can create an emotionally catastrophic reaction in a person with Alzheimer’s. Whether they are the person that needs help or a bystander on the scene, people with Alzheimer’s require special attention. Because they thrive […]
Governor Issues Proclamation for National Volunteer Week
Governor Earl Ray Tomblin issued a proclamation today announcing April 15-21 as National Volunteer Week, an event dedicated to demonstrating to the state and to the nation that by working together, we have the ability to meet our challenges and accomplish our goals. National Volunteer Week is about taking action and encouraging individuals, organizations, businesses […]
WVUH-East’s City Hospital Celebrates National Volunteer Week
In celebration of National Volunteer Week, April 15 – 21, West Virginia University Hospitals-East’s City Hospital recognized its 150 auxilians, volunteers and chaplains by hosting an appreciation luncheon on Tuesday at the Holiday Inn. Members of the City Hospital auxiliary were celebrated for their 2011 fund raising efforts which resulted in $15,000 being donated to […]
West Virginia State University to host WV STaR Symposium and Academy of Science Annual Meeting
West Virginia State University (WVSU) will host the first joint meeting of the WV Science Technology and Research (STaR) Symposium and the WV Academy of Science Annual Meeting on April 20-21, 2012. This two-day event, being held in Hamblin Hall, is a forum for the state’s increasingly competitive science and technology enterprise and will feature […]
WVU Parkersburg’s nursing program receives continuing accreditation
The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission has continued accreditation of the nursing program at West Virginia University at Parkersburg following a self-study assessment by the college’s Health Sciences division and an on-site visit in October. The next visit will be fall 2019. The Board of Commissioners identified student service to the community reflected in […]