Marshall University Forensic Science Center DNA Analyst Delivers Training on DNA’s Role in Sexual Assault Investigations

Marshall University Forensic Science Center DNA Analyst Misty Marra is passionate about providing training and education to professionals who are involved with responding to sexual assault crimes. A graduate of Marshall’s Forensic Science Graduate Program, Marra has been involved with the MU Forensic Science Center’s sexual assault initiative since it began in 2001. The center…

Capito Announces Statewide Listening Tour and Releases Guidebook to Bridge Broadband Gap

U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) today announced the initial schedule for her statewide Capito Connect listening tour in West Virginia.   As part of the Capito Connect Plan announced last month, Senator Capito urged West Virginians to attend a listening session, and share their comments and suggestions for improving broadband access in the Mountain…