WV Robotics Students Will Be Competing at the Falcon Center at Fairmont State University for the State Tournament on December 5, 2015

FIRST LEGO League (FLL) is an international robotics program in which teams of young people, ages 9 to 14, assemble and compete with robots that are designed to accomplish tasks associated with a real-world “Challenge.” In the 2015 Trash Trek Challenge, children from over 86 countries will identify a problem, create an innovative solution, and…

Quality Service Award Recipient Announced at Berkeley Medical Center

Glenna Carter, environmental services, was recently named WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center’s Quality Service Award winner for October  2015. Each month, the hospital’s Service Award Committee selects an employee to receive the Quality Service Award.  Carter was nominated by staff on the obstetrics unit.  “Since the day Glenna began working on our unit, she has…