Alzheimer’s and Dementia Universities Celebrate Successful Education Series

By J.T. Hunter According to the Alzheimer’s Association, someone in America develops Alzheimer’s disease every 67 seconds. With 36,000 West Virginians estimated to have the disease in 2014 and a potential 25 percent increase by 2025, the association’s West Virginia chapter is working diligently to educate members of the Mountain State. The chapter recently wrapped…

Hybrid Format May be the Future of EMS Education in West Virginia

By James Mitchell The Mountain State is home to thousands of certified emergency medical responders. According to the West Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services (WVOEMS), the state has 3,553 emergency medical technicians; 2,026 EMTs; 1,242 paramedics; 620 emergency medical vehicle operators; 249 mobile critical care paramedics; 227 emergency medical responders and 165 mobile critical…