WV State Capitol

Red Wave

The year is 2000. Texas’ republican Governor George W. Bush was just elected president by a narrow margin defeating democrat incumbent Vice President Al Gore of Tennessee. Republican Cecil Underwood is nearing the end of his term as governor in West Virginia where the democrats hold a 28-6 super majority in the Senate and a 75-25 super majority in the House.

two female doctors

Hurdles to Health

Access to high-quality health care is an essential element in fostering healthy and prosperous communities and families. Moreover, the capacity of a health care system can make or break the growth and development of a given state. In reality, no one wants to move to, raise a family or start a business in an area without access to quality health care.

A Healthy Future for West Virginia

Changing the Narrative

It is no secret West Virginia consistently finds itself listed as one of the least healthy states. In a world where Band-Aids cover up deeply rooted health issues instead of looking to the source for healing, true wellness can be difficult to achieve. However, this story can be rewritten, and many organizations throughout the state have dedicated themselves to improving the health and well-being of West Virginia’s people.