One Man, One Mission, Episcopal


Jeff Collins is a hero in Huntington, WV. He rebuilds bikes for Veterans and others in need. He asks for no money. He asks for no gratitude. He asks for no special attention. He simply wants to help people. Jeff is a true hero. Jeff, a member of Trinity Episcopal Church in Huntington, WV, has set up a workshop in Trinity’s parish house (photo) to support those needing transportation. Every day, one will find Jeff fixing, rebuilding broken bikes for someone in need.

Jeff is intelligent, unassuming, and ever listening to the needs of others. He began volunteering at Trinity two years ago, at its weekly outreach dinner, the Gathering. Then he began to assist. First, in clean up. Then, in the kitchen. Jeff now helps manage this project, providing over 6,000 hot meals each year to those needing a helping hand. But Jeff did not stop with this ministry. He expanded upon it. Many of those attending the weekly meal needed a mode of transportation.

They had no car, no minivan or access to public transportation. Therefore, Jeff stepped in with his bike ministry. Jeff loves bikes. In fact, he has several. On any given day, you will see Jeff riding his bike around town. He loves the feel and freedom of the ride. And the ride allows him to think and ponder new ways to support others.
Jeff has already repaired over 50 bikes and has recently received over 30 more to repair and give away. He receives broken bikes from all sorts of folks in Huntington. He has become known as the angel who repairs bikes. Furthermore, Jeff has a relationship with local Veterans agencies that forward names of those in need.

Jeff’s ministry began on a shoestring. He’s a true entrepreneur, utilizing his own tools, donated bikes and supplies. And his workshop reminds me of a Santa workshop for toys. But instead of toys, it’s filled to the brim with broken bikes in need of repair and a new home. Perhaps Jeff is a sort of Santa Clause in our contemporary world. Wouldn’t that be awesome.

Jeff’s ministry is but one of several stemming from Trinity Episcopal Church, developed out of its Metro Theology concept. Metro Theology matches the assets of a church to the needs of its local community. Alas, many new ministries have blossomed. In essence, Trinity has become a thank tank and incubator for new and creative ministries, supporting its local community of Huntington. Stay tuned. More exciting things to come.

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