HUD Reports Slight Decline in Nation’s Homelessness in 2012; Rise in West Virginia

On a single night last January, 633,782 people were homeless in the United States, largely unchanged from the year before. In releasing HUD’s latest national estimate of homelessness, U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan noted that even during a historic housing and economic downturn, local communities are reporting significant declines in the number…

Raptor Appreciation – Eighth Annual Eagle Watch Planned for January 12, 2013

The annual January eagle survey of the Pipestem area is scheduled for January 12. Jim Phillips, Pipestem State Park naturalist, is coordinating the various survey sites and assignments and inviting anyone interested to be part of this winter four-hour foray. Phillips schedules novice birders with more experienced volunteers to scan the skies and record eagle sightings over…