Mountain State Manufacturing

By Joe Eddy and Rebecca McPhail The manufacturing industry helps drive West Virginia and its economy. Manufacturers employ 6.44 percent of the state’s workforce, and for every $1 spent in manufacturing, another $1.40 is added to the economy—the highest multiplier effect of any economic sector. Middle schoolers interested in learning more about West Virginia’s manufacturing…

Statewide Online Learning Portal Increases Enrollment, Helps Busy Families Complete Degrees

Adult students now can take advantage of a flexible, family-friendly pathway toward a college degree, thanks to the West Virginia Remote Online Collaborative Knowledge System (WVROCKS). In 2016, the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (HEPC) chose to expand the WVROCKS online portal system, making it broader and more efficient.  Since then, it has doubled the number of credit hours awarded to students. As…

Concord University’s TV Station Receives New Name and Look

Concord University’s television workshop is changing its name from WMLT Mountain Lion Television to Mountain Lion News. Robert Hoffman, Assistant Professor of Communication Arts, states that this change is to ensure that the public is aware that programming content is exclusively produced by Concord University students. Robert Hoffman, William Bailey, Manager, Radio & TV Services…