Annual Human Rights Conference set for April 11-12 at West Virginia State University

The fifth annual Human Rights/Human Relations Conference will be held April 11-12 at West Virginia State University (WVSU) and explore the theme of increasing human understanding. This year’s conference includes a University-wide cross-section of faculty and students as participants and presenters and will feature a variety of state, local and national experts in the fields…

Attorney General Morrisey, Secretary of State Warner Announce Enhanced Business Search Tool for Consumers

Attorney General Patrick Morrisey joined with Secretary of State Mac Warner on Thursday to inform consumers that they have a new weapon to combat fraud. The West Virginia Tax Department recently shared 77,000 sole proprietor business names with the Secretary of State’s Office for use in a searchable database. The business names were not publicly…

West Virginia Announces New Program to Expand Registered Apprenticeships in the Mountain State

Employers in need of qualified workers and job seekers wanting to learn marketable skills may both discover what they need through a new program called Apprenticeship In Motion (AIM).  The West Virginia Development Office has teamed up with its partners at the West Virginia Department of Education, WorkForce West Virginia, the Robert C. Byrd Institute…