Coming Home to the Mountain State

Founded in 1979 in Wheeling, The Health Plan is leaving its corporate headquarters in Ohio to return home to the Mountain State, bringing jobs and economic growth to West Virginia. By Patrick Gallagher & Maggie Matsko In 1979, The Health Plan (THP), a small yet determined not-for-profit community health organization, became a West Virginia corporation…

Finding Purpose on the Pavement

From a 100-day run across the country to planning Morgantown’s inaugural marathon, long-distance runner Jamie Summerlin goes to extremes to show his support for West Virginia veterans and his dedication to giving back to fellow service men and women. By Samantha Cart Jamie Summerlin never wears headphones when he runs. While training for his first…

Brewing in the Mountain State: A Craft On The Rise

If you’ve been out to eat or drink in West Virginia in the past year, you’ve likely noticed the sudden influx of craft beer taps at the bar. Across the United States, small craft breweries are gaining in popularity and revenue, and West Virginia is no exception. For a small state, West Virginia has about a dozen craft breweries already, and that number continues to climb as lawmakers work to enable breweries to more widely and cost effectively distribute their products.

Renovate, Repurpose, Replace

With more than $2 billion in repairs needed for West Virginia schools, careful thought is given when deciding whether to renovate, repurpose or replace educational facilities. For both new and existing schools, modern safety and technological features are top priority.    By Samantha Cart Every December, the School Building Authority of West Virginia (SBA) meets to…