Back to the Future: The ACA in 2015

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed in 2010 with the purpose of ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable health care. The original deadline for individuals to sign up for health insurance under the ACA was December 15, 2013, with coverage effective January 1, 2014. Recently, due to challenges with the ACA Web site’s functionality, the deadline for individual enrollment has been extended to March 15, 2014, with coverage effective April 1, 2014, after which individuals are subject to a monthly penalty.

Cloud Computing: Taking IT to the Next Level

If you have daily access to a computer, you have likely heard of cloud computing, but you may not understand what it is, how it works or how it can help your business. The term cloud computing refers to the storage and accessibility of data and programs through the Internet instead of through a computer hard drive. In order to understand how cloud computing can influence your business, it is necessary to understand the basic technical concepts behind the term.

Young Guns 2014

There’s a reason the phrase “Wild and Wonderful” is used to describe the Mountain State. West Virginia is full of magnificent views, inspiring success stories and phenomenal people. At West Virginia Executive, it’s more than just a slogan or a description, though. It’s a mission. In every publication we produce, our goal is to help show not only the state’s beautiful, action-packed attributes but also its success stories—our wildly entrepreneurial and wonderfully talented people.