Fifth Annual Urban Agriculture Conference to Be Held May 11-12 at West Virginia State University

The fifth annual West Virginia Urban Agriculture Conference, previously scheduled for April, will now be held May 11-12 on the campus of West Virginia State University (WVSU) in Institute. The conference will feature a screening of the documentary “Farmers for America,” which profiles West Virginia farmer Calvin Riggleman. The film profiles a series of young…

Mon Health Names Interim CEO

The Mon Health System Board of Directors announced the appointment of Thomas Senker, FACHE, as interim CEO of Mon Health System and Mon Health Medical Center, effective Thursday, April 5. Tom has strong ties to West Virginia and the hospital, having served as the President and CEO of Mon Health for 16 years from 1983-1999.…

West Virginia Executive to Launch West Virginia Industry Magazine

Executive Ink, LLC, the publishing company for West Virginia Executive (WVE), Discover West Virginia and Profiles magazines, is launching a new title—West Virginia Industry (WVI). The first issue, which will focus exclusively on the Mountain State’s insurance industry, will launch in February 2019. WVI will be a high-quality, glossy publication and include agent listings, traditional…

April National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month.  Over 116,000 people are currently awaiting an organ transplant in the United States.  Sadly, 22 people die every day waiting for a lifesaving organ that doesn’t become available in time. LifeNet Health, a federally designated organ procurement organization, is partnering with WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center and Jefferson Medical…