Moore Capito named Chairman of Republican Legislative Committee in the WV House of Delegates

The West Virginia Republican Legislative Committee (WVRLC) has named Kanawha County Delegate Moore Capito as the group’s new chairman. The WVRLC is the official campaign committee for Republican members of the West Virginia House of Delegates. Capito’s election to chairman was by a unanimous vote. “West Virginia is on a realistic path forward that should…

First class of HINO employees to graduate during WVU Parkersburg’s fall commencement with Federal Judge Irene Berger as speaker

West Virginia University at Parkersburg has the distinct honor of welcoming the Honorable Irene C. Berger, Esquire, to its fall commencement ceremony on Saturday, December 14. The ceremony will begin at 10:30 a.m. in the College Activities Center. WVU Parkersburg plans to award 267 certificate, associate and bachelor’s degrees to 241 students. Fourteen of the…

Shepherd students to offer tax help through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program

Shepherd University is registered as a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program site and will participate in the Eastern Panhandle EITC Coalition program. Operating under the umbrella of MountainHeart Community Services, Inc. and sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service, this nationwide program helps those with disabilities, limited incomes, and limited English speaking skills with free…