Shepherd University President Shipley to participate in internationalization dialogue in Austria in July

Shepherd University President Suzanne Shipley has been invited to participate in the 13th Transatlantic Dialogue to be held in Salzburg, Austria, July 4-7. Sponsored by the American Council for Education (ACE), the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, and the European University Association, the conference, titled “Leading the Globally Engaged Institution—New Directions, Choice, and…

Wesbanco Renews Commitment As Presenting Sponsor Of Second Annual Wheeling Arts Fest

WesBanco, Inc. has been named the Presenting Sponsor of the second annual Wheeling Arts Fest scheduled for Saturday, July 14th. Through their renewed sponsorship, WesBanco and their employees have again demonstrated a commitment to advancing the artistic, cultural and creative strengths of Wheeling. “WesBanco is pleased to support the endeavors of the Wheeling Arts &…