April National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month.  Over 121,000 people are currently awaiting an organ transplant in the United States.  On average, 22 people die every day waiting for a lifesaving organ that doesn’t become available in time. LifeNet Health, a federally designated organ procurement organization, is partnering with WVU Medicine University Healthcare during the month…

Enterprise Presents $20,000 Award to Marshall Military and Veteran’s Affairs

Marshall University Military and Veteran’s Affairs accepted the $20,000 The Jack Taylor Founding Values Award from Enterprise Holdings on Tuesday, April 5. The award will go toward a newly constructed Veteran’s Lounge in Gullickson Hall, according to Kim White, director of Military and Veteran’s Affairs. “Enterprises’ generous contribution is going to be used in part for…

Charleston Attorney Invited to Join 10 Best Attorneys for West Virginia

Charleston-based attorney, Charles R. “Rusty” Webb of the Webb Law Centre, PLLC, has been invited to join the 10 Best Attorneys for West Virginia.” The American Institute of Family Law Attorneys (AIOFLA) is an impartial third-party legal organization recognizing excellence of practitioners in the field.   Membership is exclusive and extended only to those select few…

Governor Tomblin Signs House Bill 4009

West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has signed House Bill 4009. The bill allows counties to propose and fund road projects by imposing a sales tax that would not exceed 1 percent. The Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce’s Transportation Committee worked closely with members of the Monongalia County legislative delegation to develop and pass the…